Empire Building (TC)
The Basics
Guild Master:
Discord Invite:
Jaketh @CobraKai00
Companions, borne in the fires of Gaul'Kor, are a steadfast, trustworthy, and stalwart group which was created from a foundation of a small corps of players who still play to this day. True to our name, we seek fellowship and brotherhood with those that join our banners, working together and sharing the spoils of our efforts to enable everyone to be their best, be it at combat, logistics, strategy, or comradery. Our guild was built from the ground up, and has become a map spanning force, due to our enthusiastic players who have learned the game whilst fighting some of the biggest guilds and alliances. Companions is a collective guild that will incorporate both those newer to MO2 as well as veterans seeking a common purpose. We have a high set of standards that we expect in terms of group-oriented focus, enthusiasm for the game, and desire to improve.