Hall of Fame

The world renown DJ of Mortal Gab is responsible for the recent onslaught of bangers hitting the community. He was single handedly able to convince Henrik himself to cover such songs as "Baby" by Justin Bieber and "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley. Don't believe me? Check out his channel!

Unguilded Chad
New on the scene of MO2 CeeJ has made his first appearance in Tindrem. Approached by AnthonyHD with a promise of "Easy Money" CeeeJ jumped on the opportunity to throw 250 Blood Kua down his gullet for easy gold. After becoming obese they decided to do some "laps" in the sewers to break off some of that newly added weight. He successfully slayed another foot fighter in honorably fatty combat. If thats not legendary I dont know what is.

Slasher (Razer) recently won the most recent 2v2 tournament. This is far from his first achievement. He is sitting at 338 bounties collected (so far) which is #2 globally. He's known for his ego and he's one of the few who can actually walk the walk he talks.

Nahuat - RiversLive
Rivers came onto the Mortal scene a bit later than most but has since made a name for himself as one of the most consistent and best MO2 streamers. His roots are like many when he got his stripes in the sewers but lets be honest, Riley is the best part of the entire outfit.

Stinkeye & Pinkeye
These two brothers are known to roam the lands of Nave causing general havoc anywhere they can. If you were to imagine Dumb and Dumber in the MO2 universe these two are about as close as you could get. Stinkeye is a bit more talkative and physically adept then his younger dumber brother Pinkeye but don't make the mistake of underestimating either one as they could both rip your arms off if given the opportunity. Whats the politically correct term these days? "Idiot Strength"?

Being on this list means you're famous, not necessarily skilled. Danny is known by a big part of the community for owning a keep at one point and leading several now dead guilds like HRG and MKRG. He's also very well known to be a copium addict or in basic terms: Crybaby. He's brave in the sense that he streams with his discord coms open to the public but then leads his men to certain death on many occasions and then copes about being out numbered, XYZ build being OP, pets being OP, or whatever possible excuse you can think of hes likely using it. It's okay to lose, its okay to be bad, but when you're known for being bad AND making excuses... maybe reconsider your approach.

Wolfszeit is as OG as they come. This man has been playing Mortal Online longer than 99% of the community and has had unwavering optimism since the start. He consistently uploads summaries of Henriks weekly stream and covers the news in the game. He has also made a build guide here and there (one that actually taught me!) If you want a laugh his "Herding Guide" is actually one of the most funny MO2 videos ever made, go check it out!

John Oldman
None - Formally Mana
The man who wrote the book on trinkets. John was at the forefront of trinket knowledge and for a long time held the most powerful re-rolling trinkets in the game. He wrote a guide on trinkets and how they work that many still use to this day. Who knows how rich this man got using this knowledge, my guess... very.

At the center of one of the largest conspiracies in the games history Bank AKA Covfefe pulled the wool over a huge portion of the playerbase for a long time. Bank was one of the big 2 for rerolling trinkets across the server. Between him and John Oldman the market was more or less content. Bank had an alt named Covfefe that he used to frequently gank players in the middle of town often during their trinket recharge when they had trinkets unequipped. He would then drag their bag with necromancy to the wild and steal valuables. Only after Crawling hands was nerfed did he come out and admit to his debauchery. He was simultaneously one of the most trusted and the most hated players in the game and nobody had any idea. He's shown here wearing his infinity gauntlet because this man has enough Adamants to cover his entire hand at this point. One of the richest and smartest son of a bitches to ever walk the plains of Nave.

You know how every group of friends has one weirdo or crazy guy but he's YOUR crazy guy? Yeah, that's Krank to MO2. I really feel any description I give won't do him justice so please just review his twitch channel to get a vibe of what I mean. For perspective, any time he dies while live he monitors his chat and anybody that joins the chat after death gets banned often before they can speak and even if they weren't directly involved. He is infamous for riding a mount with 2 accounts that he is operating and controlling 2 terrorbirds at the same time alt-tabbing between them to put multiple pets on the same target.

Nightfall - www.twitch.tv/demra
Demra is known to be one of the best mages if not the best mage in the entire game. He knows every dungeon like the back of his hand and spends a good amount of his time making the foot fighters hate the Harry Potter world we now live in. He loves getting fireballed by his allies as well, ask me how I know. Hes a matter of fact type of player and will answer questions about magic when live. He is the ultimate rat, if you see him expect shenanigans to follow in his wake.

The first player to successfully solve the Necromancy bridge puzzle. Some may remember that for close to 48 hours post patch not a soul could cross the invisible bridge and the pit below claimed hundreds if not thousands of lives. Ganandorn worked tirelessly to get our small team across falling victim to the pit many times himself while trying to solve the path. Together with a small group of 6 people Ganandorn was able to lead us across first so that BlackPriest was able to secure world first on the Necro Boss and farm the dungeon for 8 hours before another team solved the puzzle. That day we sold a lexicon that was partially full of Necro spells for 70,000 gold. Ganandorn has been a stanch defender of the human race championing it well before it became meta and does a great job holding the front line and helping play around current Necro meta. If there was ever a crown handed out for being a true Death Knight this man would wear it. A true Legend.

Paladin - www.twitch.tv/avairatv
Avaira is known for helping organize the Fabernum Militia to defend from filthy heathens in the local area. She does her best to help and coach anybody she comes into contact with. She holds no grudges and often fulfils the role of a redpriest in town rezing anybody regardless of tag or crime. Solid all around player.

Robmo is known for being our long-time community manager. What newer players might not realize is that he was known before he assumed that official role for being the guy who literally wrote the book on taming. If you're a tamer you likely know about Robmo's Taming guide which includes all the beasts of Naive. He's also the reigning Formula 1 Movla Racing Champion placing first in the Fabernum 500. If you see him in game say hello, he's always happy to chat.

GM of Nightmare Abbadon is at the top of one of the most impactful and strong pvp guilds this game has. Abbadon by himself is a nightmare, he was one of the winning players in the most recent 3v3 tournament that was held. I personally ranked Nightmare as my only S-tier guild because they tend to dominate any fight they go out to win. They typically play in the GK region during Russian times. If you see Abbadon coming your way there is normally an wall of steel coming in right behind him, make way.

Axe is one of the most charismatic fighters around. Recognized far and wide for his iconic and movie announcer type voice this man is a skilled fighter and doesn't fuck around when a neck needs chopping. Stick around him for some cinematic moments, they seem to find him frequently. Checkout "LowTierContent" on YouTube for a couple of his highlights, "Bounty Hunt Gone Wrong" is a gem of a video and worth the watch for any MO2 fan.

Long time Mortal Vet Diphrael is the owner and operator of the unofficial discord. He's written guides for mages and claims to have invented dagger mage. He is currently has an E-book available for Ritualism. I've been friendly rivals with Diph for a long time, but kidding aside he's actually a pillar of the community and a great mage. He is known for his integrity and for holding even his old guildies accountable recently being removed from Nightfall for outing some of his guildies for exploiting (looking at you Wicked). Diph is also one of the top bounty hunters in the game with to date 175 completed bounties. He's assuredly one of the top 17 mages in MO2!

Infamous for: Oghmir is pretty widely hated by the community for both his toxic and egocentric attitude but that isn't really special in the world of Mortal. He went above and beyond to screw over a few prolific traders by creating a fake overlay in photoshop to trick people into trading large sums of gold while streaming via discord. This caused the community to understandably and collectively lose their absolute shit because while scamming is okay in this game the use of 3rd party programs to assist in such a scam should be bannable. It took a literal riot from the community before "Discord" the lead GM realized his blunder and took action to punish Oghmir and refund the scammed victims. Yet another Black stain on the GM's records. Oghmir (who plays an Alvarian) proceeded to have a temper tantrum on stream and say he's "never playing Mortal again" a promise he has broken several times. This guy could say "I breath air" and I wouldn't believe him at this point, nor should you.

Guild: None
One of the most prolific tamers the game has seen. Pepper is never one to shy from a fight but prefers to try and talk her way out of a bad situation. Even in defeat always hits the enemy with a GG. She runs a pet emporium and sells all manner of beasts with services from one corner of the planet to the other. Ask her on discord for an invite to her shop if you need pets! Use Promocode; DemoManisAwesome3091239102 for a special discount!

Forgiven is the photographer of Nave. He has an extensive portfolio including every landscape, animal, dungeon, and town of nave. He spends his days doing portraits of players and has generated many of the best photos this game has ever seen. He's responsible for a large number of my thumbnails and he's even done a photo shoot with ILLITHID my necromancer for the necro guide. (Swipe this post to see some). He sells photoshoots and I would highly recommend reaching out if you would like some awesome shots of your character. Truly a legend.

Too Many to List
Vellek has been a big voice in the community for a while now. He hosts a podcast often covering recent events and drama within the game. This man has hopped between more guilds than anyone I know, probably because he just likes talking to everyone. He's known to have a bit of a short temper but always takes care of his homies. If you see him around just slap his ass and call him Sally.

Infamous for: RunKarni was known across the entire community for his huge personality. This man spent most of his day going naked with a shortbow to Tephra crater to fight anybody in that dare step into his domain (mostly Karnimata). He was famous for streaming most of his adventures from his car while working as a security guard. Eventually his personality got in the way and he said some unforgivable things breaking terms of service leading to his ultimate ban. He was only with us for a brief moment but one thing was for sure, TOTAL DOMINATION!!!

GM of Dreadlords Killox built a guild of griefers for griefers. They've existed since MO1 and often spend their time in the GK area. If you play this game long enough you will bump into Killox. Hes got a devil's tongue and knows how to pour on the compliments to get what he wants. Him and his guild have had serious staying power within the world of Nave despite many attempts to remove them from existence. Don't light up your mic when hes talkin kid.

Infamous for: Few players have a more notorious reputation for exploitation. Buda has been banned for a while now but how he got to that point was rather cinematic. He was one of the few who knew and heavily exploited a spiritism bug where you could hop in and out of portals to cheese the minotaur king (at the time a 30+ man boss) to death as a solo. He spent a huge amount of his time doing this. To his credit he did report it, and the GMs gave him mixed signals on if it was okay or not. It just so happened that because he was using this exploit constantly he caught several actual hackers on video and got them banned in the process. This is what he used to champion his cause and try to justify his own exploiting. Why wouldn't it be okay for a player to solo a raid boss on repeat and get super rich? #logic. He is gone, but his downfall is remembered by the community as a black stain on the GM's record.

Known for: Self proclaimed best mounted mage in the game FreeHorses is best known for his unmatched ability to play two accounts at the same time and killing people with his mounted mage(s). He's a longtime MO vet and has a great guide out on how to play mounted mage. To date no other player has demonstrated the ability to play two accounts at the same time which sets him above any other mounted mages. Truly legendary.

Known for: Being a mega tool. This guy tried to get out of paying a 500 gold bet against me after he lost an ego duel against KnightmareTV. He's also known for leading some band of shitters who's only hope of survival is winning purely based on numbers. To his credit KotO has existed for a long time, just goes to show you that with an endless supply of noobs to exploit anything is possible! Fuck Koto.

Guild: None
Squirrelly is known far and wide for being the best fisherman that Nave has ever known. He's respected for his willingness to coach and teach anybody who asks. It is unlikely that anybody else knows as much about fishing as this man he truely is the fish whisperer. Make sure to visit him in Toxai he likes to hangout in the fishing huts and loves company. If you're lucky he might even write your name on his balls.

Odinseed (now)
Azog was one of the leading men during the largest fights Nave has ever seen. Stepping up among a band of his would be enemies Azog was a primary shot caller in the victorious fights against the Coalition. Never one to shy from a fight even when out numbered Azog is a fantastic leader and content creator. There is no question why his men follow him.

Infamous for: If camping graveyards and killing noobs was an art this man would be Divinchi. Loyal only to himself and hopping to nearly every guild in the game Tats is renown for his abilities to trick and deceive his way into loot from unsuspecting players. He often has to put down horses for malnourishment and then berate their owners for their pet treatment. Across his playtime he has amassed well over 5,000 murder counts. Noobs beware.

Prior GM of Acolytes and owner of Central Steppe Castle Putzin was perma-banned during the great "Baggening" He was known by the community for his Podcast that he still hosts occasionally despite not being able to log in.

Guild leader of the Bounty Hunters guild Headless, Cixx leads his men from the front. He's one of only a few select bounty hunters that currently hold "Expert Bounty Hunter" achievement with well over 200 bounties collected. He's an exceptional hunter often outsmarting his target before even swinging his sword.

Nightfall - https://www.twitch.tv/lordus
General Lordus is well known for his leadership on the battlefield. During ACT events he was one of the fearless Generals helping to organize the largest battles Nave has ever seen. Lordus is known for being an exceptional duelist and never one to back down from a challenge. There is no better friend and no worse enemy than Lordus. (Unless you're a mage, then you just Tlash him and run away). Think twice before crossing blades with this one.

Infamous for: Known for terrorizing and murdering the local Meduli residents. Jonttre is unmatched in the water. Not only is he a competent foot fighter but can often turn out numbered fights in his favor by going for a dip. He's respected as one of the only members of Content who consistently roams solo and will always be a tough fight no matter the circumstance.

Freefolk - https://www.twitch.tv/mrprinkly
Legend has it that Schnoz's mother was a Terrorbird. Hes known far and wide as a magnificent cock sniffer. As small and as greesy as they come if you see this dude inside town you should probably unzip your trousers as he will identify you by smell alone. If you're outside town you should probably run. Hes got a dagger he likes to call his cock and he will stab you with is when you're not looking!

Co-Founder of BlackPriest a notoriously dangerous guild that identify as the "Terrorists of Naive." You wouldn't suspect that a co-founder for such a ganker friendly guild would be one of the friendliest players the world of Naive has ever known. He is well known for having a lot of Empathy and a huge Penis. Often times the one on discord going "aww dont kill him, he's new" but never failing to drop the axe on whoever raises arms against his brothers in black!

Known for: Camping the scaffolding exiting the Khurite Capital of Morin Khur. Guild Master of the guild Omerta, a PvP focused guild that spends most of their time on the east side of the map. They have a 200g sign on bonus, open trade with any member of Omerta in town and demand 200g, they all know what this means.

Guild Master of Mana. A mage since the early days of MO1 likely responsible for training more mages than any other mage in the history of the game. He's written multiple guides on Magic and how to use it through the years. He currently leads the most trusted guild in the game where most players go for their scribing and magical needs. A pillar of the community and a great wizard in his own right.

Known for being one of if not the best shot caller in the games history. Consistently has shown that he can lead his troops into out numbered conflicts by using excellent game sense. He coaches his team to success when most others would deem a fight unwinnable. Truly one of the best.

Guild: None
Known for bringing song and dance to the world of Naive. His tales are legendary in their own right and if you see him in town be sure to tip but be careful he might tip back, if you're a portal that is!

Known for leading the largest army ever assembled to the gates of Meduli to slay the Coalition en mass. The most impressive part? The army was built of players who are typically enemies. King Barados is known for his unwavering leadership and motivation on the battlefield. If you see him on the battlefield stay close, his warcries will motivate you!

Mr. Cheese (Arkdin)
Guild: None
Known for being the Scourge of Bakti and leading a pet embargo against the city of Mohki by single handedly slaying over 800 pets in 1 week trying to enter or exit the city. Also has a tiny Penis.